Wednesday 25 July 2012

Week seven update

The past week has been incredibly busy now that, with the departure of two more volunteers, there are only three staff in each dorm.  Despite that, it's been a really great week in many ways.  The secondary students had their sports day this Saturday, which was a great day and allowed us to participate and help out. Lou had the job of placing the finishers of the races, while Matt took up his usual post as unofficial DJ, commentator and joke-maker.  At the end of the day, Matt got slaughtered by Steve Grove (PE teacher) in the staff 100m sprint, while Lou blew away all competition in the ladies race.

Apart from that, this week has been dubbed by a few male staff members 'moustache week' - a week where several members of staff attempt to grow the most impressive moustache.  Lou declined to enter this competition but Matt, with high expectations at the start of the week has participated with great vigour.  Needless to say, three days in and we're yet to see much evidence of any facial hair whatsoever.

On a slightly more serious note, we have decided to cut short our trip here.  We intended to travel to Zanzibar after term ended and then fly home from Dar es Salaam.  But, after thinking about it a bit more deeply, and with another ferry sinking on the way to Zanzibar from Dar, we've decided to come straight home after term ended.  This means we'll be flying home on August 8th and arriving on August 9th.  So please pray for us as we travel back home in two weeks.

Thank you so much for your continued support.  Please pray as we serve faithfully in our last two weeks.

Love Matt and Lou

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